Thursday, March 17, 2011


 Today was a tempo run followed by 3:00 and 4000ft of hard climbing on my road bike. Yesterday was strides on a mellow run and then 3:25 and 4000ft of hard climbing on my MT bike. Tuesday was a long run with a guy.

 And do you remember the Stretch Armstrong toy? The muscle guy that you could pull his arms a legs? Apparently there are only about 10 unopened boxed Stretch Armstrongs in existence and they can sell up to $4,000 each. I think I put mine in the microwave so he would stretch super far and he broke.


Brett said...

I think when I was 3 I slammed mine in my bedroom door and walked down the hall holding his apendeges until he broke. Then I used his the inner stretch gu as syrup on some pancakes.

Derunzo said...

You had a microwave back then??? I don't remember using one until I was way past the Stretch Armstrong days. (I'm 37) It all adds up after I googled "History of the Microwave"

By 1975 Sales of Microwave Ovens Exceeded that of Gas Ranges

Lucho said...

If I remember correctly our first microwave cost several hundred dollars too.

Brett- $4000 pancakes.