Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday Releathered baseball.

This is my second attempt at recovering an old baseball. My first attempt was a fail because I tooled my son's name into it and the piece shrunk. You have to wet the leather in order to cut and tool. I got to the last ~30 stitches and the leather piece was obviously too small. This time I left it dry and didn't try to tool. But got to the very end (108 stitches if you're curious) and pricked my finger and got a drop of blood on it. Still. Turned out OK.
Blood stain. Once I finished I soaked it in water and then let it dry which sucked the leather down tight. I like this leather undyed and natural.  

But dyed it anyway.  Immediately after application. 

This is after it's dried. You can still see the blood stain. 


I've been biking every morning and keeping it fun. Which means I'm not using any electronical devices.

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