Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday 0 miles.

I spent the day hanging out with Ben.. he took his first steps and I was with him- I even got it on video! What a profound experience to see him take those steps then to see him realize what he had done.. he got a wide eyed look on his face and he looked at me excited and proud. I think I probably had the same expression on my own face.
Did I go for a run? Nope.


kerrie said...

yay - so very cool! that is great that you were there to see it. now lucie will be able to chase him around for sure...

GZ said...


NOW ... it gets really interesting. ;-)

Matt said...


Jenna said...

I hope that video gets posted over on Ben's blog.

Lucho said...

Jenna- I had it on there 20:00 after I took it! I have grammas and grandpas and aunts and uncles to please! :) And of course Benny's fans.

BRFOOT said...

Now it begins, son trying to keep up with dad....and dad trying to keep up with son.

Lucho said...

Brfoot- Funny.. maybe all this fitness will come in handy?