Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Negative 37 with wind chill. The winds were brutal and big gusts would nearly sweep my feet out.

4 miles.


cdnhollywood said...

Damn! I haven't experienced -40 for so long....

Way to HTFU!

Josh R said...

You are a tougher man than I. It was only -9 when I ran this morning. Would you say that living further up in elevation and with lower temps that your body has finally adjusted, or is the cold still just as noticable?

Lucho said...

Josh- Definitely. All summer it was still fairly cold in the mornings. In the 40's. So I never really adapted to heat. I have noticed too that when my hands and feet get really cold it doesn't bother me.

J.P. Patrick said...

My dogs didn't even want to go out this morning!!

Lucho said...

Ya, I may be just slightly less intelligent than a dog :)