I woke up at 5:00 to work, not to run. My foot is being weird. I ran to the mailbox again, even though the mail lady hasn't come yet, and it felt fine. When I hop on one foot the pain is there but not sharp like it was yesterday. I'm getting a grip on what I need versus what I want to do right now. I don't think it's a stress fracture but it might be stressed. I want to run but I don't need to run. My eye is fixed on Leadville (if I get in) and I need to be smart in this regard. I won't run this week just to be safe.
Now I need to find something to blog about besides running. I can blog about my beard! I leave you with this wonderful picture of me last winter.

A bit too Charlie Manson for me. Did you know that he has released a couple of 'music' albums from prison?
Check out the snotsicles in these beard shots
Rest the foot. Do core until you puke.
ya, what I need to do is quite obvious. Core till I puke could be fun!
Yikes! Those snotsicles look dangerous. You could fall down and put out an eye.
I think you could produce better music. Yeah, that's a dare. :D
I would appreciate it if you shaved half your beard, like this: http://mudhead.uottawa.ca/~pete/beard.html
Andy- That is hilarious! He even kept it that way long enough to grow the shaved side back out somewhat. You would 'appreciate' that?
Cdn- I won't make any derogatory or negative comments about Charlie. He might be reading my blog. I sometimes get anonymous comments... I've long suspected he was writing them. It's either him or Oprah.
And no... no way in hell could I make music. I suck so bad I don't think I could even make horrible music.
Just curious, what exactly does a stress fracture feel like? My foot has been all wacky lately too, but it's more of a burning pain if anything. I went to the doc and he said it wasn't fractured and that it was more soft tissue damage than anything else. He told me not to run for a month so I waited a week and ran again. It only hurts in the mornings when I get up and has a "tight" feeling. As I walk around it feels better-almost like it needs to loosen up. I don't know what to do other than to just rest it. Kinda sucks...
Beard looks awesome by the way!!! A little serial killer, but I've seen worse! Gotta keep the face warm right?
that is one hell of a creepy picture bro! yikes!
Dave- I'm curious about that also. From what I have been able to read, and I've read a ton about this, a stress fracture would be very painful if you apply pressure to the bone. Swelling and/or bruising. Painful to walk. That doesn't sound like what either of us have. Yours sound like plantar fascist (that's how I spell fasciitis). Mine sounds more like the bone is just stressed or I have tendonitis.
Wende- I have worse. That picture of me in the camp chair (on the boys blog) made me shave my beard five minutes after I saw it! Something about a skinny guy with a beard that's creepy. A big guy with a beard, not so much.
Awesome beard man!
I was gonna nix mine, but thought i'd have some fun first, I've styled it into what I think is a George V stylee.
And at 26F (yeah we call this cold) this morning I was glad I wasn't so hasty.
Chr15- I like that beard style. Sort of a moustache in relief.
I say go with the facial hair... anything to keep you warm in -18 is a Martha Stewart "good thing"
But.... it would be interesting to see a before and after!!!
As far as Dave's Question: I had a cuboid stress fracture (in my foot) and the symptoms where so mild, I was in complete shock in being told I had this. Ok..I was reduced to tears while exiting the office last year. 14 weeks of no running make a Trigirlpink VERY CRANKY
Hope your foot is nothing serious.
14 weeks!? Damn, I hope not.
Martha Stewart and Charles Manson... both (are or have been) in prison. Plus I once knew a guy that had sold his pickup truck to Charles Mansion AND we have a Martha Stewart dish set... creepy. :)
I look better with a beard.
Talk about down time... Would you mind sharing with us your top 10 reading list?
I think a lot of us would appreciate your perspective on some good books.
Thank you.
Am I missing it somewhere or do you not post an email to contact you with?
Walt- I'm not much of a reader I hate to say. If the book is good then I get in to it for sure, but I have a hard time finding one that holds my attention. I made it through the first chapter of Born To Run before putting it down.
Right now I'm reading Norman Mailer's The Castle In The Forest.
The Kundalini Equation by Steven Barnes is a book I read back in college and I've since read it easily 50 more times. Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris, brilliant. At Play in the Fields of the Lord by Peter Matthiessen is a big favorite as is The Mosquito Coast by Paul Theroux. Both of these books helped lead me to South America after dropping out of college. I never made it to Nicaragua though.
Brian Masters' The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer was interesting. Any of Lance Armstrong's books. I have read the Brian Lumley Necroscope series which one of my favorites. I've probably read a ton more books but can't remember... which might say a lot about the books. I can't read a book that doesn't hold my attention completely. My wife who is a librarian, can read 4 books at the same time and not be that interested in any of them. Reading also puts me to sleep no matter what it is about.
A pretty lame list.
Skatona, I don't even have my name on this blog :) jogdaddy at gmail
Good luck with it. Born to Run was pretty good I thought if you stick with it. Some good stuff in there, and Jenn Shelton is AWESOME!
Brett- I was bored stiff but everyone swears it's awesome. I skimmed forward a bit but it seemed like Hollywood fiction. The writer was lame.
Agreed on the writing. Too hokey. He would have done better making it less of a tall tale. I guess Jenn Shelton is considering trying to qualify for the Olympic Marathon team. Pretty cool that she started with Ultras.
Brett- In the interest of selling the story though... is there any other way to get people to read about running? The reason that the 100 meter dash is the premier event in the US (and not the marathon) is our attention span. Same with football (NFL) and soccer. The average play in football takes as much time as the 100 meter, that way we don't have to concentrate too long. It spills over in to a dialogue on the American attitude that we want things easy and quick. Credit cards, fast food and cell phones. If the author had written a book purely for ultra runners it would have sold few copies... but I would have read it.
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