Monday, September 28, 2009


Easy jogging through my neighborhood. I realized this morning that this was maybe the first run I've ever done where I didn't have a specific goal ahead of me. For 12 years I have always had a definite destination for my fitness and every time I stepped out the door I thought about the race I was training for. I haven't ever really went for a run and thought about just running to run and had no real goal for the day that didn't move me towards running fast. My goal today was to get some fresh air to start my day, loosen up my legs from the drive last night, and to take pictures of the aspen which are in full fall color. Awesome and beautiful run.


Matt said...

The approach, the landscape . . .

Ch ch ch ch changes . . .

I was talking to my boss about the Michael Jordan HOF speech (see GZ's blog for some of that) and he mentioned how when pro athletes turn 40, they're done and maybe in for some rough times.

When we turn 40, and this goes for almost everyone in their respective professions, and definitely applies to you, coach Tim, we start to get good.

Keep up the good work!

Lucho said...

Ya- good stuff. I was talking with one of my athletes today and I found myself saying that I I have had to redefine what I am. When my son was born I retired from Ironman and stopped being that guy. So I started to just run. Then I moved to the mountains where the running is completely different and my second son was born. So I'm different again. I'm finding out who I am and where I want to go and I won't let myself do something that I don't completely love.

Anonymous said...


I dont mean this from a place of judgment, but wondered whether you have thought about seeing a sports psychologist to help you work out your goals. You seem to fluctuate between high motivation and high goals from a race perspective to none at all. And I hate to say it but it seems like you seem to meltdown a bit before big races (i.e. see for example your experience with the sports masseuse lat year and again with chi marathon this year)...

Lucho said...

Anon- I've looked into it and my health insurance doesn't cover it. $100+ an hour is too much. Plus I have a decade of racing well at Ironman and shorter triathlons where I didn't have issues. It's just been since my kids were born and I see the focus on running a fast marathon now as a waste of energy. The massage caused my piriformis to seize, Austin was mostly physical. Thanks!