I was/ am extremely affected by Thursday's 400 race. Not emotionally, I can fail with the best of them and it only motivates me. Physically though I think I'm in a hole. I feel it started with the "Sanya" workout that I crushed a few weeks ago. I have felt blah ever since. Then Thursday's race just wasted me! I jogged easy on Friday for 3 miles and felt pretty good, but Saturday and Sunday I was sore, lethargic, and lacking energy. I feel a little better today, but a little better means I'm now just really tired. I gave myself a mental exercise or test of sorts this morning where I focused my thoughts only on my final 400 race coming up in two weeks including the days leading up it and what I'll need to do. Then I switched it to focusing on ending my year and resting and planning the fall training. Profoundly different emotional response which sort of guides me in the direction I should go.
I feel it's been a long year and if I count it up, it has been. I got off the couch in January after a four year break and pushed myself back to an acceptable level. And since April I've done a crap ton of intensity! That's roughly 16 weeks or so of just sprint training and I think it might have caught up to me.
So, I might be done racing until the indoor season starts in December. I probably won't make a definitive decision, rather I'll just wake up each day and see what happens. If time runs out then it runs out. If I get rolling again though then I'll race. It's science.
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