Race resume

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday 6 miles

 G drove up to my house this morning for a run. Always a pleasure to run with a fellow grumpy old man. I faked my way through ~6 miles and ~1400ft of vertical. 3 puking stops and 10 apologies (for my lame ass needing to walk often) later... I logged a run. I'm realizing that I can't continue being horribly out of shape (average). It just isn't who I am. My burn out and lack of motivation to exercise does not outweigh my need to be fit and strong.



  1. Coincidence that on this day Cain pulled out of Worlds and Ritz pulled out of Boston? I THINK NOT.

    For the Crossfitters who read this, I was hauling a tire the entire way. No comments on how it was attached to me.

  2. Count me in the "I told you so" camp :) Glad to have you back, bud.

  3. G- You could have hauled 10 tires and still would have needed to wait for me.

  4. Yea you aren't the type to be content with average, get after it!

  5. That's all it took? Clearly nobody likes to be shown up by a 9 toed man.

    You are clearly going to have to give up your knitting to make time for this.

  6. Brandon- It was the fact that 10:00 pace was killing me and I was pathetic.
    And no... the knitting and sewing and baking will remain.
    And you got me in to Avenged Sevenfold... fucking LOVE them. Thank you.

  7. Get some dogs, they like to run and check shit out. Makes me enjoy the scenery a bit more these days.

    You are such a multi-tasker! You will make someone a great trophy wife after you get back into shape.

    A7X. Glad you enjoy. So many others to share if you are interested. Try Trivium -- Shogun album. Will drag you out to a show some day.

  8. Hell yes Lucho! As I will be coming out to CO in Sep for UROC, for my come back jog, you and I can go for a stroll! 2015 will be awesome for both of us!

  9. GZ, ain't weight a beotch? Every time I pull the gallon of milk out of the fridge in the morning it stops me in my tracks - THIS is 8 pounds? Shit I could lose TWO of those if I really needed to. Sigh.

  10. YAY :) guess we all knew it was just a matter of time. Carving too much leather does this to ya I reckon. Or drinking beer. Either way- yay old fart! ;)

  11. I've been checking this rag daily for a year to see this post. Hell yeah!

  12. Excellent - I know you can run and still "be the Dad you want to be". That's what a lot of us try to do! Good luck.

  13. Terrific news! You have been a great source of information with your blog and podcasts...now you will be a source of inspiration as you come back from retirement. My best wishes for good health and please keep us posted on your progress.

  14. Sweet. Keep it challenging and that ll keep it interesting.

  15. "I've been checking this rag daily for a year to see this post. Hell yeah!"

    Me too :-)

  16. Trail LaddyMarch 05, 2014

    Fire in the belly...Lucho is back!

  17. Thanks GZ

  18. Nuthin' doin' really with me anon. Lucho is his own man. If he wants to run and be competitive, great. If not, great. I am glad I get to shoot shit with him either way.

    And Brett, yeah, the weight is a bitch. Particularly since my metabolism turned off at 35.

  19. Not "nuthin'" I probably wouldn't have run had you not come up. Plus you inspire and motivate me more than you know. You're in the mix.
