Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Things are awesome. I haven't really exercised with any focus since Leadville. I've been out and about and definitely getting fit, just not sure where I want to focus my efforts. I vacillate between Leadman again and nothing. Between a fall flat 100 with a speed focus (try to run sub 13 hours) and a focus on the Leadville 100 bike. Mt Evans bike and the track. I've even looked for back to back 100's (bike and run) but can't find them. Maybe I'll just drink beer and focus on KOM's on Strava. I'm starting to sound like GZ! Which isn't a bad thing at all.
 Almost every run I've done has been on the track doing a speed focus, zero base work. I've been biking a ton, more than I did for my Leadman build up, and am loving it. The bike is what motivates me now and if I run then I want to run FAST.
 I'm also seeing the benefits of not being tired. My sons get that energy now and I'm reluctant to take that away from them again. They couldn't care less about my races... they care about my (quality) time with them and that's something that I can't allow myself to look back on in 20 years and regret not giving them.


Brett said...

Mike Morton has a goal of breaking 13 hours in a 100. You should contact him and see if you can both show up at the same 100 together to try. Unsure what his schedule is...


He has been low 13 in a 100 and in 24 hour events something like 7 times in the last 3 years, so he's on the verge of doing it for sure.

GCDavid said...

This is my problem: too many interests that are likely conflicting (running ultras and racing cyclocross for instance). But I'd rather dabble in a lot and be fit and happy than über focus on one thing and be totally stressed. Results may suffer but I'll be easier to live with.

Lucho said...

Brett- My thought of a sub 13 100 is born mostly from ignorance and partly from my habit of setting my goals high (they play off each other) Why aim low? I'll run the Boulder 100 next October probably and start at sub 8 pace and just hold it until I implode... then drink beer. I don't know Mike, not sure how to start that.

Gary- I agree completely. Being "fit" does not mean being a good runner or cyclist.

Brett said...

I believe a 13 hour 100 pace is 7:48 per mile. Yikes.

Lucho said...

Like I said... part ignorance and part balls to give it a try!

Local Mind Media said...

I'm already laser focused on Leadman but if you enter, that would be a turbo boost shot to the soul! Not to mention a complete blast training and competing together.

John "Homie" Prater said...

"I've even looked for back to back 100's (bike and run) but can't find them."

Not sure what you mean by back to back - days or weekends? Regardless, do they have to be races? I say bike and run the White Rim back to back. And shoot for the FKTs for both!

Lucho said...

Tim- No Leadman. I want to do it but it's not a good fit this year. Plus I need to payback some pacing favors.

Homie- I wanted to find a Saturday 100 mountain bike, Sunday 100 run.

Justin Mock said...

"My sons get that energy now and I'm reluctant to take that away from them again." I've thought about putting that question out there on my blog several times. For me, it's the dogs. I try to head out for a run, feel bad that I'm leaving them at home, and go get them for 3 miles instead of the 10 that I planned to begin with. And I just imagine that feeling would be magnified x10 with kids. Often curious how the fathers out there make it work then. Everyone probably says that being a runner makes them a better father, gives their kids something to look up to, etc, but 2 hours of playing with them would be better than 2 hours of running.

Hope that doesn't sound critical at all then because I totally agree with your last paragraph.

Lucho said...

Not critical at all Justin. I think being fit however you choose to do that makes for a better father. But I agree that 2 hours of running to me has far less value than even 30:00 with my kids. And it's not just that 2 hours of running but it's the loss of energy and feeling too tired to focus on your kids. This year for Leadman I was squeezing in long runs by getting up at 3:00am and I would be totally useless the rest of the day. I can't do that again. I think GZ is one of the most balanced running dads out there and he keeps it all in perspective quite well. I strive to be more like that.

Justin Mock said...

Yeah, pretty envious of GZ's balance too.

Kevin said...

Couldn't agree more on the dad front. I have 4 kids (oldest is 22, youngest is 5). I have come to the conclusion that in the end, everyone's PR drops, all records get broken and forgotten, trophies gather dust and rust away.

But kids grow up to be parents to our grandkids that grow up to be parents, and so on. Nowhere in sports can you have that kind of influence. Good for you dude!

Lucho said...

Thanks Kevin! Very well put and I agree completely, thanks!

GZ said...

I think we were talking last at the B100 ... but I was a few "beverages" in the bag.

I am not sure if I am in balance. At any point, it probably looks recklessly out of balance. This week it is recklessly out of balance towards work ... traveling to ATL and my kid's 12th birthday was yesterday (really not happy about that). Other times I am on that 2 hour run. It is often out of balance. That sort of drives me a bit batty.

The key to this, and I am not saying this just because it is nice, but because I really think this at my core is my wife: she is a glue in our family that keeps it all together. Without her, any perception of balance is gone.

Anyway, if you want a 100 bike one day and a 100 the next day, that can be arranged pretty easily. There has to be an epic 100 mile ride we can dream up the day before the B100.

Lucho said...

Great point and I could not agree more with the wife thing! My wife is absolutely the only reason I could ever do anything.
Totally sucks you had to miss JZ's birthday!
And if I run the B100 then I'll be all in for a fast time. 100% focused on pushing the pace.

GZ said...

Still hoping that you are in Pikes for 2013, but that is a bit separate. You could do the climb (ascent) with little impact to anything else.

We delayed JZ party. A Nerf Gun Capture the Flag game (which also out of balance I am a bit freaked about coming off hunter education ... use of guns as toys thing but eh).

Looking forward to connecting for some track sessions soon

Lucho said...

Pikes will happen eventually. I still have unfinished business at Evans though.
Guns as toys. I'll leave that one alone :) Glad that JZ gets to celebrate with you!

Yes. Track for sure. I'm free Friday/ Sat/ Sun.

Lucho said...

Anon- I'm guessing that was in regards to the podcast? I should have read up more on the qualifying process. But I don't get the questions until the night before. And then in the morning I do my run and then get my kids ready for school and usually end up with ~20:00 to review the questions. I end up winging some of them.

Anonymous said...


What was the Mtb Brand used for the Leadman? I thought I remeambered a post, but can't find it anymore. I think you had it custom made?


Daniel said...

Check out Jared Campbell's blog. http://door5.com/2012/09/06/wasatoja-take-2-its-on/

Looks pretty insane


Lucho said...

Stephen- Paketa had given me a frame but they didn't get it to me until near the start of Leadman. I built it up and I could never get comfortable on it (my lower back and hamstrings were getting super tight) no matter what changes I made. The geo was way different. So I gave the frame back and rebuilt my Access 29er (Performance brand) that I got used on e-bay for $90.

Lucho said...

Daniel- Well there you go, back to back 100's (sort of) but done the hard way! Run the Wasatch 100 then Latoga at 206 miles. That would be pretty bad ass. Thanks for the link!

sllygrl said...

As a mother of an almost 3 year old who just got into ultras this one (as well as the additional comments) was a hard one to read. Although I'm only on the 50k/50m range at this point there is the guilt that my relationship with my son suffers (he prefers his father) but I always justify that by knowing he wouldn't like me if I weren't running - and I'm setting a good example for him. I agree if my husband wasn't as supportive as he is, none of this would ever happen - it's just interesting being the opposite sex on 'the wrong side'. It's good to know that while most times its the fathers that are doing this - you still do recognize what might be falling through the cracks. As a mother I guess I should take a harder look at that myself...

Lucho said...

Sllygirl- No need to base your own self worth on the likes of ME (or others for that matter)! It is very possible to balance family and running in a healthy way. I'm just tired of needing to do it. Plus I live and sleep at over 8000ft altitude which plays a big role in fatigue. Training hard up here can leave me wasted for days where at sea level it's a very different recovery. I am also coming off of training for Leadman which was simultaneous training for an ultra bike and a 100 run, that's a unique requirement. When I was just training for running it wasn't nearly as difficult to balance life. So no, that post needn't be hard to read :) I do think it's critical for a parent/ athlete to keep perspective though and really try not to sacrifice time with our kids in favor of running.