Race resume

Friday, September 30, 2011


 Fantastic graphic from Endurance Conspiracy... if you have to ask then don't bother. Kona, where my heart still is, coming next week.


  1. Sweet! But, um, what about the women?!? I hope EC did a women's version of this! :)
    He did a graphic for Coffees of Hawaii last year... Great drawing of the floating espresso bar and people swimming up to the boat. super cool we put it on a t-shirt!

  2. Ya, Tony puts out some awesome stuff. A womens version would be equally cool and as small a list. He's on the big island right now, you might see him at the expo next week... ask him! And tell him hi for me.

  3. My life in a quilt? I lived on Haller Avenue, have a friend named Warren, owned Staedtler pens (diff. spelling), and used to mix my own gunpowder to make De Boom! But I never smoked Camels, so guess not.

    That's a pretty cool graphic. There are so many talented people about (athletes, artists and otherwise), always amazes me.

  4. Nice, but he needs to get Al Sultans name right!

  5. Yikes! I didn't catch that. You're right!
