Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Me casa updato...

Ok, I don't speak Spanish so 'updato' is my own word... and I was yelling it when I thought it.
Jo has leaned (caved?) towards the mountain home... so I would put the chances now at maybe 60% mountains, 40% suburbia. I'm maybe 70%/ 30%. With the dream home comes greater hardships. I made the comment that the added hardships may be a very good thing for our children to experience. Hardships would be things like not living down the road from Wal-mart. Having to deal with a real winter, not the Boulder mild winters. We'll be just 20:00 from Boulder though! Space will be a challenge in the mountain house. It's not exactly a large home- 1600 sqft but it does have a large outbuilding that has potential in this farm boy's eyes. I grew up being able to explore old farms, creeks, forests (kind of)... the dangers I faced and my attitude towards them can be summed up with my mother telling me when I was just a small boy- as I headed out in the morning to explore- "Be home before dark, the coyotes come out at dark" and my reply being simply "I can out run a coyote"... true story.


wende said...

don't forget you sack lunch!

Lucho said...

Ohhh ya! I forgot that mom used to pack me a sack lunch before I headed out for the day. Funny!

Dave said...

"... the dangers I faced and my attitude towards them can be summed up with my mother telling me when I was just a small boy- as I headed out in the morning to explore- "Be home before dark, the coyotes come out at dark" and my reply being simply "I can out run a coyote"... true story."

That should be in a movie some day!

GZ said...

Tough call. No right or wrong answer. But it almost does not matter. The fact that you are belaboring over the decision, and considering what is best for the family is the key. In either place, Ben and George (what you will obviously name your next son) will have a great place to grow up because of that family with them.

Lucho said...

GZ- You've told me that several times before and I think it's some of the best advice I've ever heard. I told my wife this morning that we could flip a coin to make the decision and we would be happy. I'm very excited either way. I think Ben and George;) will be happy either way. I've been very gentle in voicing my opinion because I want Jo to, above all else, be happy. She loves the mountains as much as I do but she's the practical and rational one so worries more about others.
Thanks G..

Dave- I think they got close with "A dingo ate my baby!!"

Anonymous said...

Solid stuff. I spent the first 10 years of my life in rural Illinois, so I can relate.

One my "fondest" memories is my brothers and I playing in the woods, quarter mile from our house, unsupervised, taunting a wasp nest. The wasp came out and full force and we all took off running back home with the wasp in full pursuit. We were all stung multiple times, that's country liven' and learnin' the hard way!

Brett said...

Well you like to say sometimes that you ramble on posts, yet good information seems to always flow.

So here is my ramble, I apologize in advance.

Disclaimer - I am an analytical person, which sometimes is a detriment.

If you and your wife are feeling 70/30 about the Mountain house, but yet aren't sold yet...perhaps whatever is occupying the 30% is a significant worry. Maybe ask around to people that live like that 30% about the ups and downs and get more info. Things may turn out to be the opposite of what you think. I live 3 hours from my parents now, instead of 20 minutes as it was a few years ago. But I see them more now because when they visit they stay for longer periods. Instead of just meeting people for dinner you might see them for an entire Saturday afternoon now...

On your athlete surge - make sure you are using all the automation tools you can around calendering and reminder alerts, etc. There are a lot of smart people on these boards that might be able to assist with organizational stuff if thats of any question.

Perhaps instead of taking on more athletes than you can provide an adequate service to, or instead of just locking people completely out, you ought to take a look at offering a Tim.5 service. Figure out what activities take up a lot of your coaching time and strip those out and offer a slimmed down coaching option.

While that may seem diluting to the Tim brand, I think it won't be. People can always say no if there are no more 'full service' slots. In the meantime, you keep people 'on the bench' and warm, extracting value from your expertise and ready to go into the starting lineup when others rotate out.

For a ton of people, Tim.5 will be a lot better than 0-Tim.

Just some thoughts, sorry for the ramble. Just got back from a 14 mile slightly agressive progression run, listening to Disturbed, and figured I should try to add some value in the other direction for once...

Philip said...

Ice, Coyotes, snakes, rocks, cliffs, wasps's best not to think of them as "dangers" ... better to think of them as "learning oppurtunities" :D Sounds like you are in a win/win situation, either way you'll have a fun new place to be and you'll be with the folks you love.

Lucho said...

Runcolo- Wasps...the worst! Throwing an object at a wasp nest is a rite of passage for all little boys.

Brett- Excellent stuff and spot on. That 30% that has me wondering comprises mostly creature comforts like a grocery store and dry running surfaces. There are many families that live up there and know that our children will have plenty of friends. The house isn't in the middle of a million acre forest with no neighbors- it's not that isolated. 20:00 to Boulder and Arvada is reasonable. I think our fears lie mostly in the "change" which is also a good thing. We'll be out of our comfort zone and what we have grown accustomed to (city living). Our in-laws aren't an issue, I wish they would visit more often. But great point!
I do have different coaching programs that allow me to have flexibility. I offer monthly schedules and weekly. I also offer a consultation on a program written by the athlete where I simply go in and edit their schedule and give suggestions on improvement. So I guess I do have a tim.5. Your suggestions on organization is excellent- my only limitation really is organization and setting aside specific "work hours" like if I was going to work.. I tend to get distracted!
My waiting list is more to keep athletes spread out in regards to my starting with them so I don't get overwhelmed and I've only ever turned down 2 athletes. One had a stress fracture and wanted me to coach him for the marathon and the other needed me to motivate them to lose 100 pounds... possibly a more just reason than simply doing a race... but I don't think I would be a good life coach- I'm not gentle enough with people who aren't motivated to stop killing themselves. I'm just not the right guy for that job.. So anyway... thank you! I value your insight and welcome the advice!

Phillip- exactly.. in "Finding Nemo" Marlin says something like- "I promised Nemo I would never let anything happen to him!".. and Dori says- "If you never let anything happen to him, then nothing would ever happen to him... that's no fun!"..