am) 8 miles very relaxed recovery jogging.. HR non-existent.
pm) Technically at this point I have taken more than a full rest day. I finished my long run yesterday at ~10:00am and started this evening's run at 6:10pm. That's 32 hours of recovery along with tons of hydration and proper endurance athlete food. My point- I started this evening's run and felt amazing from my first step. My first 2 miles were fast and my HR was very low and I felt effortless. So I decided to perform an AeT test (marathon HR) using HR 160-165.
4 miles in 21:21 at an average HR of 162. 5:20 average pace.
This is perhaps the best way for me argue the MAF method of training and show the nonbelievers that MAF is not LSD (long slow distance). I ran today off of fitness built by running at HR 140-150 for the last 4-1/2 months. The pace felt effortless and I did not struggle with leg turnover. LSD training uses pace per mile.. so you never progress. MAF training uses HR so as you get more fit your pace increases. Today was a surprise and I think the term for it is "I caught a flier". Today may have been a fluke but I'll take it as a good sign of my progress. My brain was firing on all 1 of it's cylinders tonight and motivation was very high.
"HR non-existent." -- Let's hope not! :-)
Coach, once again, I have to chime in supporting this method. Having PR'd at the ripe old age of 49 for a 5K last week in 19:30 (6:17 pace), having done almost no work at that pace should be proof enough. I'm sure there is a case to be made for some speed training as one gets close to a key race, but someone will have to beat me over the head to get me to train any other way. It has taken patience and time, but I've PR'd at 70% of my races for the last three years using this method.
Consider me a desciple! This method works!
Mike- You're another perfect example. You've been diligent over the last 4 years and it's paying off huge.
Ironboom- ok.. it wasn't non-existent, just insignificant.
Ask Jenni Keil about the importance of "speedwork". So far this year she hasn't done a single session with the sole goal of "speed" as we know it, and yet here on Sunday, down in Lubbock, she damn near qualified for Kona in only her second triathlon. I'd say that qualifies as speedy.
The term "speed" has been redefined by the popular media to encompass even tempo training.. the true definition of speed in my opinion is very short and near max efforts that stimulate neurological efficiency. Strides of 15"-30" at 1 mile race pace is speed work. 800's can't truly be qualify as speed.. even at the elite level. Or 400's for that matter.
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