As you can see there was a hill on the course. We started at ~6000 ft. and topped out at ~7600 ft..
Not posting my workout data (or collecting it) would really be boring in terms of blobbing. We averaged 6:24 pace per mile for the 16 miles. My average HR was 148 with a max of 161. Jeff averaged a lower HR, but my LT is higher so I think we were probably working at a similar intensity. Jeff is in phenomenal shape right now. He is ready to crush Kona. After my rest yesterday I felt good. The new Nike Lunar Trainers are super comfortable which can be noticed far more on pavement than on a softer surface. The shoes are awesome. Mine are black- Jeff's are all white- so mine are a lot better.
Funny thing about training in Boulder- we saw Dave Scott coming up Left Hand while we were descending. All he said was "Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!". Top athletes have been doing the Left Hand run for decades. Tim DeBoom first made me aware of it, then when I worked with Tony DeBoom it was always part of the training plan. The pounding from 8 miles of constant eccentric contractions progressed very steadily from my quads feeling strong after mile 1.. to tightness and soreness by mile 8. Placing a strong and deliberate focus on downhill running, FAST downhill running, should be a part of any triathletes training. Runners? Not so much, unless you're running a course like Boston. After Alan Culpepper placed 4th at Boston he told me that he placed a focus on downhill running but that he wished he had done even more.
pm) 4 miles of recovery jogging. Legs feel heavy.
I'll be sure to add some DH running to the schedule after December 7th.
Where did you start/end on Lefthand? Camelbak or did you guys stash bottles?
We started at the rest stop at the junction of Old Stage and Left Hand (about the 2 mile mark up from highway 36). It was freezing cold and I hadn't even broke a sweat on the way up, plus I hydrated a ton before we started so I didn't take any fluids. Jeff wore a Fuel Belt.
I find the lunar trainer a bit too high especially at the heel.
Get your hands on the racer. Fantastic shoe!
Uli- I don't really notice how high the heels are, but I've heard that before. The racers are amazing shoes and I'll be getting a pair before Vegas.
I second the lunaracer comment, great shoe, I've been impressed, but I am trying to save them for Denver Marathon.
Uli and Runcolo- I've always felt that training a significant amount in my racing flats was important for allowing my calves to adjust to the lower heel. When I was sponsored by Saucony I ordered all racing flats for my shoe allotment and that's all I trained in for 2 years. Even my long runs were in minimalist flats. I think that has something to do with my durability today.
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